Humble Strength!

Breakfast on a ship is one of my favorite times.  I arose early to beat the crowd.  I found a seat that faced the window, which afforded me a chance to see the ocean moving past.  It was peaceful, and a good time to observe my surroundings.  She came past my table many times.  Each…

A New Genesis!

Many years ago I tried to play golf.  My dad and father-in-law were avid golfers, so I tried.  Turns out, it is not for me.  There is one term in golf I used a lot.  Mulligan!  It’s a golf term for a do over.  Jesus life and death produced for us a new genesis.  A…

We Are Good!

Woke up running. Early meeting. Busy day ahead. The hours flew by. Before I knew it the day was over, and the Sun was setting.  As evening arrived and I finally got still, I took time to apologize to my Savior, for not spending time with him. I hoped he would understand. As I always…

Labels Or Love?

I saw him from afar.  Feminine ways… small amount of makeup… and a piece of ladies clothing.  As my wife saw tears in my eyes she asked what I was thinking.  Not critique… but empathy.  Worried about what he goes thru.  The teasing. The hatred. The judgement.  I prayed he would stay strong. Think deeply…

Love Deep / Laugh Hard

Daily I live my life to the fullest. I go at life with break neck speed. I live out my emotions… and my heart… it’s an open book. The joke at the office is “if you want to see Perry cry, ask him about how much he loves Lorna”.  That will do it every time! …

The Blue Dot!

Carl Sagan, in the book Pale Blue Dot, shows that earth is but a dot in the portion of space, we have been able to explore.  We are a tiny dot in our solar system… which is a tiny dot in our galaxy… which is a tiny dot in the vastness of space. Yet every…

Christ Ambassadors!

I was standing in the omelet line patiently waiting my turn.  As always, I spend that time looking to people to teach… to inspire.  I couldn’t help but notice her behavior.  She was demanding of the young man who was cooking.  Insisting he do it her way. Telling him what he was doing wrong, and…

Make It All About Love!

I often get asked what religion are you? What church do you attend?  I reply “I am someone who loves Jesus with all my heart”.  I have spent my life, until now, believing that religion had something to do with a building we gather in. That it had something to do with a group of…

Seeing Without Eyes!

Oh to see, without my eyes!  Have you ever thought how our eyes deceive us?  We judge based on looks.  Based on lifestyle.  Her vision was taken from her at age six to save her life.  I pray for her, when I think of all she is missing.  I for one, enjoy the vision of…