So Many and Yet One!

So many! As I stand on 16th street in Denver, so many people. Sitting. Standing. Walking. I try to see each one. I don’t want to see a forest… I want to see a tree! So many, that it would be easy to look at them as a crowd, but I desire to see a…

Do You Reflect HIM?

Do you struggle to understand as I do? Daily I see people, many who call themselves Christ followers, doing everything, but reflecting the heart of the Savior. Daily I think: Everything I do… everything I say… the way I act… the way I conduct business… the way I treat others… is a direct reflection on…

He Is Standing Near!

Five thousand had come. Matthew says men, which meant many women as well. All they heard was grumbling, and throws of insults, as everyone was hungry. As the twelve checked their bank book, they soon realized, they had not enough money to feed the crowd. They were frightened… worried… afraid of what the people might…

Fervor For Life!

He had no idea the affect he was having on me.  He made an impact on my life, after twenty short minutes of knowing him.  He was simply doing his job with fervor, with zeal.  After many times of being in Juvenile  Detention he joined a program that changed his life.  A year long plan…

Love To Abundance!

He could have walked away.  He could have stuck by his claim when he said “Woman it is not my time”.  Out of love for his mother, he went ahead and turned the water into wine.  Not just any wine, but the kind you find on the top shelf.  Wine that would cost several hundred…

A Place In The Heart!

Why do we insist on playing God?  Daily I have conversations with people that rank sin. They judge other peoples lives based on the sin they perceive.  Those who judge, based on one lifestyle or another, feed their egos by thinking that my interpretation of scripture is right, and yours is wrong.  Why do so…

Our God Is Good!

Her life seemed to be one tragedy after another.  As I listened to her story of abuse… of harm… of the attempt by her ex-husband to kill her… I thought of the goodness of our God.  I use to wonder how our God could allow so much suffering… so much pain.  If he is a…

It’s Not In A Book!

I could read daily, a book about Lorna, my wife.  Daily I could study, read, highlight, and outline word, after word, about my beautiful wife and still not truly understand her heart.  It is not until we have a daily intimate relationship that I came to know her… her heart… and her spirit.  So is…

Washing Feet!

They simply did not understand.  It’s significance gets lost in OUR, everyday lives. Jesus washed their feet.  He took off his robe… adorned an apron… got on his hands and knees, then washed their calloused… dirty… stinky… feet!  Three years he had taught them.  Three years they had watched him heal… even bring people back…