Getting Back!

Walking past I heard him talking.  All alone.  My heart paused… maybe he needs someone to talk too.  As I sat down beside him I simply asked “tell me how you got here”? Three years.  Danny’s mom had died and he simply couldn’t move on.  Three years on the street…  simply doesn’t know how to…

Eight Simple Words!

Not sure what his life was like.   Scripture doesn’t tell us.   The bible doesn’t even tell us where he came from.   I simply know he must have had a troubled life, given the fact he was being crucified, next to our Savior.   “Jesus remember me when you enter your kingdom”.  Eight…

Are You An Addict?

So I use to be an addict!  I’m sure that statement caught you off guard.  You may be thinking –  this is a surprise!  Without hesitation I could raise my hand and say “Hi my name is Perry and I am an addict”.  I’m pretty safe in saying we all could.  People have a universal…

He Laughs!

He laughs.  He lovingly laughs.  I can’t find it in scripture, but I know God lovingly laughs, at his children.  He laughs as he says – “make your plans, go ahead and nourish your dreams… your hopes… but don’t forget that I have my own plans for your life.  I have my own dreams for…

Too Many Angels!

Today the streets of heaven are crowded with too many angels.  This week someone very close to my heart, and a once in a lifetime friend of thirty years, went home to be with our Savior.  No warning… no preparation…  just gone.   I don’t really understand, but I’m trusting my God.  On top of…

God Is HUGE!!

Recently I read the work of an astronomy professor.  He shared in his writing that fifty years ago we believed there to be six stars in the sky for every one person on the planet.  WOW!  Because of the Hubble Telescope we now know there are six galaxies in the heavens for every one person…

Life Giving Dance!

My wife, Lorna and I, love to dance.  We have danced a lot over the past 37 years.  We have danced for so long, we now move together as one. Thought is not on the dance, but simply on each other.   So it should be, in our relationship with the Father, Son, and Spirit….

He Is A Liar!

He is a liar!   He delights in chaos!  He cheers as we dislike others.  As we see differences in ourselves, he dances.  He finds pleasure, as he watches us look at others with hatred, instead of seeing our Savior in them.  He lives to divide… to cause fear… and to make us turn from…

Slave Market!

As I read the account of a slave market my tears flowed in abundance.  Men and women were forced to stand on a block of wood… naked… as buyers examined. As buyers threw insults. As they yelled out prices they would pay.  In my mind I could see it… I could feel the pain… the…

In A Matter Of Seconds!

Thursday was a day just like any other.  Same routine.  No appointments. A day to laugh and spend time with my work family.  Lunch was relaxing. Then as I made my way back to my desk… in a matter of seconds… life took a dramatic turn.  A young man that has a very special place…