Eighteen Inches!

Eighteen inches!  Such a short distance… but a long journey.  Does your walk with God start in your head or your heart? It’s eighteen inches from one to the other.  Christ didn’t spend time telling people what they did wrong. He didn’t spend time telling of his wisdom.  He didn’t make a list of all…

Drinking From Their Cup!

“Samaritans?  Half-breeds!  Who would think of associating with them?  They must stay in their village and they are not welcome here.  We must keep them in their place and their place is certainly not with us.”   He knew the unwritten rules.  Jews simply did not talk to samaritans.  But she was there.  He was…

The Way You Wonder!

The way you wonder is the way you choose!  Do you dwell on the heavenly things Paul talked about in Romans or do you dwell on the fear and anxiety that Satan is using the world to throw at you.  I pause as I see us living our life inside our heads.  We fill ourselves…

Standing With Jesus!

Daily I watch as people judge… people hate… people treat those different than them with dis-respect. I listen as they blame the condition of the world on everyone else, but themselves.  “You don’t believe the way I do, so you have to be wrong.”  “You’re liberal and I’m conservative so you’re wrong.”  “You don’t follow…

Why Me!

I watch through the tears as he struggles to talk.  As he struggles to walk.  As he struggles to sit still.  Twenty three, and a disease that is inherited, with no cure in sight.  My love for him runs deep… and my heart hurts… and my prayers are hard.  I then watch as this little…

Where Do You Live?

Do you live in the house of fear or the house of love?  Christ calls us to unbridled love for all those around us.  Love of not only the people that are easy but the people that are hard.   Do you have love in your heart for the terrorist you see on the news? …

God Is Not Religious!

As he met God for the first time it took him by surprise.  God was not what he imagined and certainly not what he spent his life thinking.  As God hugged him he couldn’t help but proclaim.  “You’re not what I expected”  To which God replied “What were you looking for?”  He said “Someone more…

My Hearts Prayer!

My eyes have not beheld what my heart so clearly sees.  Daily I reach for you… knowing that your hand will be there to guide me.  To welcome me.  I rest in the comfort that your light will shine… to lead… where my life must follow.  That your love will bring freedom to my soul,…

Jesus Is Weeping!

Jesus wept!   It’s hard to think of Jesus crying.   We cry…  We cry over loved ones lost.  We cry because our lack of faith brings doubt about if we all see them again.   But Jesus wept!  Jesus knew the outcome.  Jesus knew the power he had.  Jesus knew he would bring his…

The Heart Of Jesus!

Do you ever feel burdened by something you know burdens Christ? Does your heart hurt for things you know hurt Jesus’ heart?  We had stopped in an ice cream store to celebrate a blessing God had given.  He came in the front door.  A young man… attractive… but with ragged clothes, and a look that…